Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Updated Hair Routine


After much request I've FINALLY done an updated video on my current hair routine. It's arguably my simplest hair routine ever! Please feel free to comment on any questions you may have!


Thursday, June 4, 2015

My Favorite Leave-In Conditioners


I'm back with a new video. What's that you say? You didn't think I was making YouTube videos anymore. Well, sorry, buddy, but boy were you wrong. Well, not that wrong, I guess. It's been forever since my last video. But, I guess, it's better late than never...right?

Awhile back I made a video highlighting some of my favorite (regular) conditioners and a lot of you seemed to like that video and requested that I do more videos on favorite products. So, going down the list, it seems that leave-ins would be next. Also, it just so happens that i've recently discovered quite a few leave-in conditioners that have suited my fancy.

I hope you all enjoy the video and perhaps find some new products to try and even, maybe, some new favorites of your own! I apologize for the long hiatus from videos, but, alas, my pesky real life kept getting in the way of my internet life. Don't you hate when that happens?


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

How To Deal With Damaged Curls

One of the most frequently asked questions I get is: "what can I do to repair heat (or color) damage?"

I am no stranger to damaged curls, it is something that I have dealt with in the past and I know how incredibly frustrating and even devastating it can be when you feel like maybe you have killed your curls. But it is not a hopeless situation. There are measures that can be taken to repair your damaged hair. Doing the "big chop" is not always your only option.

My latest video deals with this issue. I relate to you all some things that helped me to repair my curls and get them to get their life back! These are really and truly the things that I did to help my hair and they really worked for me. Hopefully you will enjoy the video and hopefully these tips will help to improve the health of your hair as well!

Thanks for reading and thanks for watching in advance!


Thursday, June 5, 2014

How I Deal With The Struggle...I Mean, Stress

Hey Dolls,

Today I wanted to talk to you all about a little something I've been dealing with lately and perhaps you have been too. This little issue seems to be  my constant companion no matter how fast I try to run away from it and no matter how deep into the far recesses of my mind I retreat in order to hide from it. It's always there regardless as to how fervently I try to avoid it. To what do I refer? A little thing called: "Stress."

We may all experience it's effects in different ways. And we all may be experiencing it for different reasons, but the fact remains that we all deal with stress. It seems in life we never have enough time, money, or resources and often times one or more of these things is the catalyst for us feeling stressed out. But whatever the cause may be we all have to find some way of dealing with the stress in our lives. I thought I would list for you all some of the ways that I deal with my stress.

1. Talk About it.

I don't know about you, but my natural inclination when faced with a problem or conflict is to avoid it at ALL COST. But i've grown to learn that avoiding or ignoring problems does not make rid them from your life nor does it rid them from your mind. You are not eliminating the issue you are simply procrastinating on it. I find it helpful to acknowledge the issues that are causing me stress by talking to a trusted confidant about them. I make sure to choose someone I know will not have preconceived notions about the situations and someone who knows me well enough that they will understand and be sympathetic to my feelings. (Yes, I usually talk to my Mom)

2. Step Back From The Situation.

Sometimes I get so caught up in whatever issue is stressing me out that I feel as though I am drowning emotionally beneath my problems. I find it good to take a step back from the issue, be it literally or figuratively, and try to get some perspective. I try to think about the situation as if I was not me but a neutral third-party and judge the situation accordingly. Now, i'm not going to pretend that this is an easy task to accomplish, because let me tell you it definitely, 100%, is not. However, once I get that perspective, I usually come to find that my situation isn't quite as dire and severe as I was making it out to be, and even if it is a dire situation that I'm in I remember that I've been in pickles (yes, I just used that word) in my life before and I've never once not come out of it on the other side successfully.

3. Do Something Relaxing.

Not once in my life have I ever solved a problem or situation by anxiously worrying and thinking about it. Yet, without fail, every single time that is exactly my first reaction. So, in an effort to calm the beast that is my anxiety ridden mind I try to do something to forget about the problem. Now, this may sound contradictory to what I said in solution number one about how ignoring a problem does
not make it go away, while this is true, on the flip side, obsessively worrying and searching for a way to solve the problem right now, and by right now I mean YESTERDAY (if only I had that time machine always asked my parents to buy me as a kid) also does not make the problem go away. Maintaining my mental sanity (or some semblance thereof) takes high priority in my life. And sometimes the only way to do that is to take some time doing something that takes my mind off of current preoccupations and allows me to get a little R&R even if just for a few moments.

Small things I like to do to relax are: Reading, Watching Netflix, or Journaling (wow, I'm the most boring person in the world aren't I?). Other things that might take a little more time, energy, and/or resources that I love doing to relax include: Bike riding, Walking (or standing, or sitting, or running, or crouching, or jogging, or power walking, or skipping, or...) on the Beach, and Sun-Bathing (although skin cancer is a real thing folks so wear that sunscreen).

So I've only acquired three solutions, but that's because the struggle is real and I'm still trying to find solutions to this myself. If you have any other solutions to stress that you find to be helpful, comment below! If you would like me to write more articles on random life-related things comment below for that too!


As always you can find me gabbing away about hair and beauty things in my nerdy (some have called it "quirky") fashion on My Youtube Channel.
Otherwise, you can find me at a myriad or places on the internets like:


Monday, June 2, 2014

MAY Beauty Favorites Video!

Hey Dolls,

My latest video is up on the channel. I talk about my favorite Beauty products during the month of May. Hope you guys enjoy!

Talk to you guys soon!


Friday, May 9, 2014

My Favorite Conditioners

Hey guys,

I recently made a new video on my Youtube Channel, in which I talk about all of my favorite hair conditioners. I got some requests to make a video about this. As we all know curly hair seems to perpetually be in dire need of moisture so a good conditioner should be the main ingredient in any curly girls routine. I hope that that video may be of some use to some of you!

Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE when you are over on my channel! Talk to you guys soon!

Xoxo Courtany

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spring Complete Look Video

Hey guys,

My new video is now up on my channel: Spring Complete Look. It's the first video i've ever done that  has incorporated fashion! Please go check it out!

And don't forget to "Like" and "Subscribe."

Xoxo Courtany